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City Changers

We as believers need to be in the classrooms, boardrooms, and marketplaces of our communities, engaged with society and ready to offer hope to the broken.

The Bible is clear about God’s love for the city, be it Babylon, Nineveh or Jerusalem. Thousands of years later, his love hasn’t changed – and God still calls his people to speak truth to the cities of the world.

Generations of changed lives tell us that Christianity can radically transform society, beginning with spiritual transformation in the lives of individual people. We the church, the body of Christ, are called to instill the character and presence of Christ into the heart of our community.

God is challenging all of us with a vision of what our communities and our world will be like when city changers through whom God does his work roam our land.

The following is an excerpt from the book City Changers

“This is the vision I have for communities and cities:

  • I see in my spirit thousands of people across the cities of the world bowing their hearts in surrender before the lordship of Jesus Christ, welcoming his authority and rule in their lives.
  • I see thousand of people gathering in celebrations across the cities with their hands raised, worshiping Jesus as Lord, and then engaging their world with the knowledge of being called to be the presence of Christ in their communities.
  • I see the restoration of families and homes as brokenness and pain is healed by the power of love flowing between husbands and wives and children and parents.
  • I see dads and sons playing together in parks enjoying one another’s company and moms and daughter laughing together and enjoying the good things of life. I see children being equipped for life and being trained in a Christ-centered worldview to grow and develop to take their places in society as contributors to the common good.
  • I see single parents who have struggled to survive being embraced in circles of love and feeling safe through the support and love of God’s people as they share resources and God’s grace freely.
  • I see children going to school with excitement, feeling accepted and loved, and receiving quality education.
  • I see artists who can give expression through creativity redeeming the arts to inspire us, elevate our appreciation, and bring praise to God.
  • I see business people who excel in building the economy and creating jobs and who are excited to give of their time, gifts, and resources in service of others and the kingdom of God.
  • I see small groups of people reaching out to one another supporting people who are going through tough times, investing in their lives the Word and the wisdom of God; I see people meeting on a regular basis in accountability relationships, assisting one another to live in victory, overcoming the challenges that life brings.
  • I see people reaching out across cultural and racial boundaries to touch lives and share life with one another, to create a society free from prejudice and self-centeredness.
  • I see churches reaching out to one another, with church leaders embracing one another and standing together to make a difference in every city.
  • I see sportsmen who live with exemplary character, who fearlessly share their testimonies, raising a generation who are proud to be followers of Christ.
  • I see the media publishing that which is true and unbiased, sharing and proclaiming good news and testimonies of the grace of God.
  • I see cities filled with the presence of Jesus Christ.

This, my friend, is the culture we could live in. I have seen elements of it already. It is what will happen as you, I, and others become city changers.” – Alan Platt

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